Go sync yourself. Think about this for a moment. It’s interesting on several different levels. It could be a politically correct way of expressing yourself. Hmmm. It works as a directive to align with a goal, or to understand another perspective. I believe we naturally sync ourselves more often than we know, moving within the compelling currents of ideas and beliefs of any given day or time.
In tech terms when you “sync” a device, you synchronize it with your computer. It’s usually done with cell phones, iPods/MP3 players, tablets, and other electronic devices. Syncing typically updates both device and computer with the most recent information. Most programs will remove deleted information. The syncing process is also called “merging” the data. The key and interesting element is that syncing merges the data. This is important when thinking in self terms, not only tech terms. This integration can produce change, not simply add information. Unknowingly, we store thoughts, beliefs, and dreams without the benefit of implementing updates and new data. It goes without saying events happen that can change our course and direction in life. Aspirations and dreams can be stashed to the side and forgotten, while new more pressing matters are considered. Updates and new data are needed to reorient and reposition ourselves. Syncing to yourself can work as a kind of inner GPS system. It can remove old information that hinders productive movement, and can integrate new findings – new beliefs that set a new course toward fulfillment. It is difficult to go in the direction of your dreams if you don’t know where you are currently positioned. I’ll be exploring this topic further. Join me and share your findings. Leave a Reply. |
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