Take a look at your computer desktop. Seriously, take a close look. What do you see? It's your primary user interface (UI) - it's your graphical controls, your driver's seat and instrument panel. It's the common boundary or interconnection between systems, equipment, concepts, human beings, human beings and bots, and moreover, human beings and AI - the Almighty Internet. Who knew it had such significance and transcendence? At this point, I'm not sure I should have changed my wallpaper. With Microsoft and Apple serving their hierarchical archangelic roles, their images might have greater inspiration than mine downloaded from National Geographic. Actually, I can barely see my wallpaper with all of the "important" files and photos I haven't touched/tapped/clicked in several years scattered about my UI.
Understanding the desktop's supremacy came as I needed to find one of those important docs. I rummaged through my desktop like a closet - I know I put it in here somewhere. In the process, I found myself falling into memories and other spheres of influence, like a doorway opening to another time - postulating pasts, formulating futures, and realms of probabilities seeping into my thoughts. Sidestepping Quantum Theory, let's go straight to TechTerms's definition for desktop. "The desktop is the primary user interface of a computer. When you boot up your computer, the desktop is displayed once the startup process is complete. It includes the desktop background (or wallpaper) and icons of files and folders you may have saved to the desktop. Since the desktop is always present, items on the desktop can be accessed quickly, rather than requiring you to navigate through several directories." Simple enough. As my search continued, I didn't quickly glance over but opened and read the files, and clicked on the thumbnails to full image photos. I connected, and was intrigued by my findings. Emotions and thoughts surfaced as I scrolled through accomplishments, deleted crash sights with ideas that had plummeted, and added plug-ins to dreams still developing. Most of the photos just made me smile. Interfacing with a smile is a good thing. I'm still smiling. Join me. |
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March 2022
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