Cache is more involved than I had realized; I should have known this. Initially, I thought to make an obvious connection to saving real cash (or attempting to), and then delve into other ideas. My cash reserve at the present is short, which spurred the topic and the exploration.
The technical definition will help position my experience. Just so you know, the pronunciation is “cash” (not “catch” or “cashay”). The definition according to is “a storage of recently used information that can be quickly accessed at a later time. Computers incorporate several different types of caching in order to run more efficiently, thereby improving performance.” I agree, cash definitely improves performance, and having it readily available is always good. The definition continues with much detail about the different ways data is cached. Then it concludes, “Most caching is done in the background, so you won’t even notice it is happening.” That would be nice. Most of my cash thinking is front and center, and takes up entirely too much time. Putting dollars to the side, I started to explore what “recently used data” was being stored. First check point was my browser. Not surprisingly, there was Google, Facebook, Amazon, Hulu, Time Warner Cable, and a few random places. I took the next step to examine my thoughts. What thoughts do I have stored and access regularly - those that come to “screen” without effort? There are more than you might think. These can be accentuated during the holidays as we keep with traditions, or attempt to recapture a time. Type Christmas in your mind browser and many cached sites/memories come to surface. With the mind browser it’s not necessarily the most recent, it’s the most emotionally charged. Then, consider what is being cached emotionally. This is where it gets tricky. I’m not sure I want my most active data readily available. The point is that we do access information and sites repeatedly, and performance and efficiency are important. As individuals, we do this in our daily living with our routines and work schedules. We overlay events from previous days, assume similar thoughts, and import emotions. This may save time, but it does not improve performance, efficiency, or honesty. And by honesty I mean a true assessment. The cached data of thoughts and emotions should to be activated to the present to obtain the true value. Even recently stored data needs to be reassessed. Someone will probably invent an APP. It would be like adding interest to the cache deposit, enriching the reserves. The SEARCH is on, join me. |
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